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Hi beauties,
welcome back to my blog, I decided to do this post because some of you wanted to know about the products i used to create this look inspired by Ellarie, the same look for the first round face of Reenique Beauty Contest

So Here we go

I started out with my brows
I used the regular air woman brow pencil in #18 to fill in my brows after which I highlighted and cleaned it up with LA girl concealer in # fawn. I also use same concealer to mute out any discoloration all over my lid, thereby giving me an even canvas to work with.

Next, I mixed these 2 colors
Mac #softbrown and #brownscript
Using a blending brush I applied it allover my crease to act as a transition colour.

I primed my lid with NYX jumbo pencil in milk to prepare it for my lid colours.
I used 2 colors from this LA girl Neons palette on my lid, which by the way is extremely pigmented, I'll do a review on my LA palettes soon. I used the first colour (white) on the inner corners of my lid using patting motion with a small flat eyeshadow brush.
I then followed up with the 4th colour on the palette which is green all over my lid. Shikena
I lined my upper lashline with this LA girl mark my eyes eyeliner pen which I loooooovvvee alot, so easy to use. If you're a beginner or you have shaky hands, try using an eyeliner pen it's so easy.

I applied some of that brown script eyeshadow by mac on my lower lashline and followed up with a mascara.
that's it for the eyes

I applied my marykay 507 foundation, followed  it up with my cheap Ailin powder in no2

I then contoured slightly using my sleek contour pallete in #medium

Now the lips 
I first of all filled in my entire lips with LA girl lip pencil in berry
Then I traced my lip line and slightly filled in my upper lip LA girl matte lip paint in #backstage
Finally, I filled in my inner lips with my Milani red lipstick in #68 matte iconic
I finished the entire face with 2 sprays of Elf makeup setting spray.


Lots of love

9:50 AM

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